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Contracting Life

Nice try: dubious expenses claims

We can’t imagine a job at Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs is always a barrel of laughs, but we’re sure…

Contracting Life

The Ongoing Issue of Late Payment

Although (like everything else) it might have been a bit overshadowed by Brexit, there was good news for contractors and…

Contracting Life

Rail trouble: tips for commuting contractors

Price hikes and poor service have seen the UK’s troubled rail transport system hitting the headlines again over the last…

Contracting Life

Jobs to get on with over Christmas

Christmas as a contractor or freelancer can be a time of mixed emotions. Yes, it’s a relief to have some…

Contracting Life

Don`t let your contractor CV become clich`d

Your CV (or, indeed, LinkedIn profile) is the first thing prospective clients will see when you apply to work with…

Contracting Life

How not to email

Email has become one of the most common methods of communication in the modern workplace. It’s easy, quick, and enables…

Contracting Life

Self-employment and the gender pay gap

While improving, the extent of the UK gender pay gap ? the difference in average earnings between men and women…

Contracting Life

Making the switch to self-employment

It’s happened. You’ve finally had enough of the day-to-day grind in your job, you’ve gone as far as you can,…

Contracting Life

Getting more family time as a contractor or freelancer

Between the World Cup, the constant stream of headlines about cabinet reshuffles, and the incredible rescue of the trapped boys…

Contracting Life

Productivity hacks for contractors and freelancers

When you only have to answer to yourself, it’s easy to slip into an unproductive rut. Some days, Homes Under…