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Contractor Guides

Directors’ and officers’ liability: do contractors need it?

Directors’ and officers’ liability insurance (D&O for short) often falls into the category of “I doubt I need that,” accompanied…

Contracting Life

What are the key 2022 tax year dates for the self-employed?

Now that we’re firmly planted in 2022, it’s a good time to start getting finances in order and, like it…

Contractor Guides

Top 5 Tips To Grab The Best IT Contractor Roles On LinkedIn

Love it or hate it, LinkedIn is still a really valuable resource for IT contractors in terms of promoting your skills and service…

IR35 Hub

Contractor survey: businesses continue to struggle with IR35 reform

The anniversary of the IR35 reforms in the private sector is fast approaching. At Kingsbridge, we’ve been keeping a close eye on the contracting market.…

Contractor Guides

5 ways to improve your bookkeeping when you`re self-employed

One of the things a lot of employees take for granted is having someone else take care of the financial stuff.…

IR35 Hub

The headline IR35 news stories from 2021

After COVID, there was only one thing that dominated the news for those in the contractor supply chain this year…


2021 in review: what were the top news stories for contractors?

It’s always good to look back on the year to see how far we’ve come and while 2021 wasn’t quite as action-packed…

Contracting Life

How to close down your limited company for Christmas

Let’s be honest, one of the best perks of being self-employed is not having to be answerable to anyone over…


Ask Andy ? IR35 Written contracts and hourly rates

It’s December 2021 and the new IR35 legislation has been in effect in the private sector for eight whole months,…


Self-assessment for contractors: 7 tips for your tax return

As we get to the end of the year, all eyes are on Christmas, so it’s easy to forget that…