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Contracting Life

Nice try: dubious expenses claims

We can’t imagine a job at Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs is always a barrel of laughs, but we’re sure…

Contracting Life

The biggest unexpected costs of self-employment

Self-employment as a contractor can seem like an easy way to keep your costs down: low overheads, no wage bill,…


Statement of Work Contracts: What You Need to Know

The issue of Statement of Work (SoW) contracts, and the rise in requests that many recruiters are seeing from their…

Contracting Life

The Ongoing Issue of Late Payment

Although (like everything else) it might have been a bit overshadowed by Brexit, there was good news for contractors and…

Contractor Guides

What risks am I taking by operating without insurance?

Every contractor wants to keep their business outgoings to a minimum. When you’re looking to reduce your business spending, it…

Contractor Guides

Gotta Have IT: IT skills in demand this year

IT is still one of the biggest-expanding sectors in the UK economy. There are over 1.5 million jobs in the…

Contractor Guides

Choosing an Accountant

For contractors juggling busy work schedules, complex contracts and irregular payments, good accountants can be worth their weight in gold.…

Contractor Guides

Brexit: What could it mean for contractors and freelancers?

As the Brexit debate rumbles on in Parliament and the UK seems no closer to clarity on what Brexit will…

Contractor Guides

IR35 reforms for private sector – consultation released

Businesses to be responsible for sorting out status disputes, notes Larsen Howie’s new Head of Tax Andy Vessey. A little…


The Duty of Care

It is generally well understood that contractors owe a duty of care to the clients they are working for. What…