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Contracting Life

How to avoid and deal with late payments

It’s one of the horrors of being a contractor: you do the work, submit your invoice, wait the required period…

Contractor Guides

A Contractor`s Guide to Public Liability Insurance

Whether you’re a career contractor or you’ve just dipped your toe in the world of professional freelancing, you’ll have likely…

Contracting Life

Five mistakes every freelancer makes and how to avoid them

Whether you are new to freelancing or you’re a long-term independent professional, it’s fair to say that we all experience…


Yet another IR35 defeat for HMRC

Contractor Stuart Barnes (former professional rugby player and now rugby commentator) wins his IR35 case against HMRC. Mr Barnes was…

Contractor Guides

Why buy a policy with Kingsbridge?

Sorting out business insurance at the top of your to-do list? You may still be undecided on who to go…

Partner News

5 most annoying things about being a recruiter

We all have bad days at work. Little annoyances that in the grand scheme of things, are minor – but…

Contractor Guides

Public liability for contractors: what is it?

Public liability insurance is one of the key insurances that most contractors have under their belt, so this probably isn’t the first…

Contractor Guides

Do I still need public liability if I`m working from home?

With the work-from-home rule still being in effect, that’s exactly where most contractors are working from right now. It’s still…

Contractor Guides

What is employers` liability?

One of the contractor insurances we get asked about a lot is employers’ liability (often referred to as EL) because, to be…

Contracting Life

EU settled status for contractors and freelancers: Why it still matters

When the UK first began proceedings to leave the European Union, EU settled status was talked about a lot in…